
About Leslie Driskill Oklahoma

About Leslie Driskill Leslie Driskill is a scientist from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, who began her recreational running career around age eight. When she isn't running, you can find her wandering around the US, practicing nature photography, hiking, or with her head in a good book.  Sand Dunes at Death Valley National Park, California Tennessee Colorblind Viewer- this viewer allows those with colorblindness to view mountain scenery in color.  Find me on LinkedIn AllTrails has maps for all the best hikes.  Questions? Ask me on Quora.  My other social media links:

Up Next: Turkey N Taturs! Race Report by Leslie Driskill

Nothing noteworthy has happened the past few weeks. Sleep, run, eat, work, eat, eat, eat, kids, read, eat. Repeat. Well, this weekend will change all that. I’ll be running the Turkey N Taturs 50K in Tulsa. Check out the course map here .  I’ve been a little obsessed with this race the past few years. I read about it when I first started running marathons, but was always too scared to register. There’s just something a little intimidating about 31 miles on the side of a mountain, even if it is just a glorified hill compared to other mountains. Plus, I’ve never finished a marathon and said, “I wish I could go run 5 more miles!!” However, last year I won a free entry into any TATUR race and decided it was time. I registered. I told a few friends. I heard stories about how tough the course was. I heard stories about how easy the course is. I worried myself sick the night before and barely got any sleep. I thought about not even showing up to the starting line because I was afraid I som

Eating clean, running, the zoo, and staying focused

On eating clean I think in my last post I said that I would write up my meal plans and recipes for the week and put them on here, but I never really got around to it. I have adhered to all of the rules of the clean eating challenge (basically just no processed foods, gluten-containing foods, or added sugar- only whole foods). On Tuesday of this week, I was craving cupcakes from Green Goodies, dark chocolate covered almonds, maple syrup, and all of the other sugary junk I crave after a hard workout. Starting a new eating plan right after running a marathon is tough! Luckily, I had taken care of my post-race junk food binge before Diet Day. As of today, I feel great- I no longer crave the sugary stuff and feel a little lighter already. I'm hoping to make this more of a long-term change.  So, what did I eat? For breakfast each day, I’m back to making fruit smoothies. I basically throw about 2 cups of fruit, a few scoops of raw hemp protein powder, and about 16 oz. of water in

Race and Training Recap, Clean Eating

Race and Training Recap: It’s been a fairly uneventful week as far as training goes. I ran on Monday, but on Tuesday had some fairly uncomfortable ankle/shin pain in my left foot/leg. Since I had the marathon today, I decided to just take it easy and not run the rest of the week, especially since I was considering this race as a “training run” for the Turkey n Taturs 50K. The last thing I want to do over the next three weeks is nurse an injury. I threw in one gym workout on Wednesday just so I wouldn’t go crazy from sitting around. The marathon this weekend was the HITS running festival. It was also Katie’s birthday and the marathon that would bring me into the double digits. This was the inaugural HITS festival in OKC. I have to admit, the first impression was not the best. The course was changed two days before the race, the “expo” was a few tents set up outdoors, and the pasta party was also outdoors. I ordered a mens’ fit shirt, but ended up with the women’s cut, and several

The challenges of a housepig

Overall, Charlotte has been a great pet so far. For those of you who don't know, Charlotte is a stray pig I found one night while out running. I never would have considered owning a pig as a pet, but I actually think she has been less trouble than the other pets I have had. She doesn't mark her territory, is clean, doesn’t shed, and is funny. She goes to sleep as soon as I turn the lights out. She interacts with us, follows us around the house, and begs for food. She takes off running if I suddenly cough, and gets excited about corn and watermelon. I can leave her alone during the day. She has a funny personality and is generally pleasant. However, having a housepig isn’t always easy. Many of you have made comments like “I kinda want a pig now!” I’m sure most of the people who say this have no real intention of running out and obtaining a pig, but just in case someone is, here are some of the hassles of pig ownership. Having a pig indoors is about like having a second two-yea

Last week's running update and race report

Last week's training went well. The weather is cooling down and I am starting to reap the benefits of running and cycling through the heat all summer. Here is what I had scheduled and what I actually ran: Day Scheduled mileage Actual miles ran Tuesday-8 5 7.3 Wednesday-9 7 Off Thursday-10 7 10.5 Friday-11 7 Off Saturday-12 5 13.1 Sunday-13 12 Off Monday 14 5 7 TOTAL 48 37.9 I ended up being about 10 miles short for the week. On Wednesday, I decided to take a random off night thinking that I would just make up the mileage on Thursday and Friday. Later that evening, I learned I had won an entry to The Terminator: A Run to Stop Diabetes. The race offered a half-marathon, so I decided to race the half instead of doing my easy long run on Sunday. This was my third half-marathon and I made it a goal to break 2 hours w

Weekend in Review: Running

Well, I meant to publish this on Monday, but life gets in the way sometimes. I was scheduled to run 7 on Friday, 4 on Saturday, 20 on Sunday, and off on Monday. I woke up late on Friday and was a little weary of running that night with the storms moving in, especially with T. I figured out that the best plan would be to knock out the 20 on Saturday morning while T was with her dad, get the 4 out of the way on Sunday afternoon, and run 7 on Monday morning instead of taking the day off. I started out my Saturday somewhere around 5am. The weather was perfectly cool with some nice wind. I was too lazy to drive to Draper to meet up with the group there, so I opted for 20 solo miles around Norman.  This was actually the first time I’ve ever ran more than 18 miles by myself. Things were feeling pretty good for the first 12 miles or so, other than feeling really sluggish from eating junk on Friday night. There’s a TON of vegan junk food out there, and I don’t recommend eating any of it